Mac got another tooth on Tuesday, July 16th (only 2 days after his first tooth!!!). Mac is almost 9 months old and only 2 teeth so far.
We went to Allison's house on July 23rd for a few days. We had a great time. We went to some parks and Holly wild. The boys played great together.
Friday, July 27th we headed down to my Grandma Hunt's house. We always stop there on the way to Myrtle Beach for the Walker family vacation. We had a nice visit. My grandma and aunts always cook for us while we are there. It was a wonderful meal and so nice to see everyone. John Lawrence got to ride a go kart and a huge tractor. He had a ball. Mac was held the entire time so he was in heaven.
The next day (July 28th) we made it to Myrtle Beach where we did nothing, but relax by the pool or beach all day everyday for a week. We stay at the same house every year; however, this year they put in a pool and I must say it was the best year yet! The entire Walker clan came: Larry, Jan, Martha Jan (that is what JL calls her-there is no e on her name if you ask him) The Pangles and our family. The weather even cooperated with giving us a nice breeze.

The night before vacation was over John Lawrence and I were talking on a bed and JL was sitting Indian style and slipped off the end of the bed. He tried to catch himself and ended up breaking his left arm (he is left-handed). We took him to the emergency room immediately and they gave him morphine through an IV and then transferred us to another hospital that had a orthopedic surgeon on call. At about 1:30am he was put to sleep so they could set his arm back into place. He broke both bones in his arm about 3 inches above his wrist. We ended spending the night there and staying all day the following day before we could leave and head back to Atlanta.
We came back to Atlanta and have been seeing a pediatric ortho. surgeon weekly since he broke his arm. It is healing great and JL is adjusting just fine. It is amazing how fast kids recover and forget things. JL is already jumping on beds again-even though he was not jumping when he fell out. The downside of the broken arm is we had to cancel a camping trip with Allison, Dan and the boys, cancelled a week long beach trip to Edisto with Mom and Ron and JL is not going to play t-ball this fall. We all were so excited about t-ball. It would have been the first organized sport JL would have participated in.
Mac started crawling at Larry and Jan's house on August 10th. He is happy to finally be mobile!
Jan and Larry had Mac the weekend of August 10th, so Mason, John Lawrence and I got to do things that we can't do with Mac. We went to a movie, the mall and on a hike. We went to Tallulah Falls in North Georgia for the day with Martha Jane. We had a great day. We went hiking, exploring and ended the day eating lunch at a nice restaurant in a small town nearby.
August 13th, MaryRose, Matt and the kids came in town for a visit. We had a great time. The kids played hard and stayed outside most of the time. We even went to the aquarium and it was not busy at all. Kids are back in school and going on a week day made it perfect. The adults all stayed up too late both nights, but we got to catch up.
Jan was in town for 2 days last week on Aug. 16th and 17th. She babysat for us while I took Mac to the doctor and then went shopping the following day. It was so nice to have a break! Thanks Jan!
Next week Mammy (Mason's grandmother-Jan's mom) is coming into town and spending half the week at our house and half the week at Ellen's house. We are looking forward to spending time with her and eating some great food!We are so looking forward to school starting for JL on September 4th. I think this year he will be as excited as I am.